Knee and Ankle

Whether it’s the heat of the engine, banging into other riders, or obviously, having a nice reunion with the ground, there’s no shortage of ways to score a nasty knee or ankle injury in the dirt bike and motocross world. Even without the collision factor, having a robust and supportive dirt bike knee and/or ankle guard can help you maintain the appropriate posture and perform hard maneuvers with lower risk of injury. Keeping all of these factors together while maintaining our notoriously high standards (not sorry), we’ve created the ultimate selection of dirt bike nad motocross knee and ankle protection.

Guards won’t necessarily do you a whole lot of good if you don’t have high-quality legwear to pair them with, which is why our selection of motocross knee and ankle protection includes not only the guards themselves, but also competition-grade pants, shorts, and sleeve-style guards that combine the two (pads/garments). Take a look and find the ultimate solution to what ails those knees and ankles - before you have “the big one” and regret it!

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