Protection Jackets

No longer do you have to cobble together a hodgepodge of mismatching pads and other protective pieces under your jersey until you look and feel like Frankenstein on wheels, thanks to the new wave of dirt bike/motocross protection jackets! And oh, you know we’re riding that wave the right way at MXGear with a full selection of only the best dirt bike motocross protection jacket.

For anyone who’s unfamiliar, a protection jacket in the dirt bike and motocross world is a reinforced garment that combines shoulder, elbow, chest, and often back protection all into one piece so that you can save time, money, and hassle piecing all these parts together separately (though there are important reasons to go modular, admittedly). As you might expect, a high-quality dirt bike protection jacket would need to be made from extremely robust, yet mobile material to incorporate all of this protective paneling without ripping or feeling restrictive. You know what? It’s easier if we just show you. Come on in!

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